Soul of the Sailor Shanty Travelin’ on this sea so many years I long to go back home Where mother earth will comfort me And I won’t have to roam I’ll see my home and rest my mind From the driftin’ thoughts that carried me Upon the waves of time So blow ye winds and fill the sails Of hope that carries me To distant shores I’ve heard some Lie across the deep I’ll see my home and rest my mind From the driftin’ thoughts that carried me Upon the waves time Far from the shore where I was born The sea has carried me Yet still it washes o’er the sands That hold my lock and key I’ll see my home and rest my mind From the driftin’ thoughts that carried me Upon the waves of time On shore I see a lamplight Was it placed for me To guide me o’er the rocks and shoals Dividing shore from sea I’ll see my home and rest my mind From the driftin’ thoughts that carried me Upon the waves of time